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The Su Family Tree

Below is the “Su” family tree dated back to the mid 1800’s to the present time. This tree depicts the family tree of the “Su” family in Taiwan as it pertains to our system. The last generation depicted is that of Master Su Chin Miel’s, from thereon the South African tree under Master Su Chin Miel takes over. Below is the Shun Wu Tang lineage as on display in the… Read More »The Su Family Tree


GRANDMASTER CHIN MIEL SUMaster  Su is responsible for introducing the Shun Wu Tang  system to South Africa.   While in South Africa, Master Su built up a core group of instructors in the Shun Wu Tang system. These instructors were the basis of Shun Wu Tang in South Africa, who were tasked to grow the Shun Wu Tang family. Master Su was also instrumental in establishing the South African branch… Read More »Lineage


The Art of War Sun Wu (later known as Sun Tzu) is well known for his writings on Chinese Warfare and military tactics and strategy, which he compiled into a historic text known as The Art of War. Today this text is studied, not only by martial art scholars and military leaders, but also, in particular, by business people and leaders. Its content regarding strategy and tactics can cross all… Read More »History

Introduction to Luohan Quan

Shun Wu Tang is a composite system employing various different styles, however the main style with the system is Luohan/Lohan Chuan/Quan. Southern Luohan Quan is a powerful and direct style of close quarters combat. While it is regarding as a “hard” style it it is characterized as both internal and external in its training and methods. It is a very traditional style that has not been affected by modern contemporary… Read More »Introduction to Luohan Quan

The Warrior Code

Respect Zun Jing 尊敬 Humility Qian Xu 谦逊 Trust Xin Yong 信用 Honour Rong Yu 榮譽 Virtue Dao De 道德

The Nine Principles of Shun Wu Tang

Advance/drive hastily, strike forcefully Evade the attack (and nullify its force), counter-strike from the side Couple force (hardness, attack) with flexibility (soft, defence, evade) Amplification of force with torque (twisting/shaking the body from feet to hip to hand) Swallow (hold down) the shoulders, release the shoulder blades Alignment of the 4 golden points (hand, eye, hip, knee) Feet rooted in the ground (deep, steadfast stances) Amplification of force with bi-directional/counter-directional… Read More »The Nine Principles of Shun Wu Tang


Being a composite school, Shun Wu Tang employs the principles and techniques of many systems and styles, both hard and soft, internal and external, Yin and Yang. While Luohan Quan is the elementary style of Shaolin Warrior monks and has given birth to many other styles, these other styles also contribute to the SWT system. The Shun Wu Tang system consists of 3 major influential styles: Tai Tzu Quan –… Read More »Styles

School Guide Lines and Rules

Shun Wu Tang rules:  The name of the school, as handed down from our ancestors, is “Shun Wu Tang” pronounced Sun Wu Tung. (Sun Wu is the birth name of General Sun Tzr of the Art of War fame. Tang means Great Hall or place of great gathering) The objective of the school is to teach and preserve Traditional Chinese Martial Arts, enhance the spirit of martial arts, provide the student… Read More »School Guide Lines and Rules

Ten Laws of Kung Fu

The Ten Laws of Kung Fu are non-religious, and transcend all cultures and races, i.e. people of any culture and race would agree that they promote values that are worthy and desirable. Laws, in the Luohan Kung Fu tradition, are not meant to be punitive or restrictive, but as practical means to help students achieve set aims and objectives; in this case to help them attain the best possible results… Read More »Ten Laws of Kung Fu